Gravity falls full episodes season 2 episode 11
Gravity falls full episodes season 2 episode 11

gravity falls full episodes season 2 episode 11

‘The Golf War’ would be the second episode I am gonna talk about. This is one of my faves for this season but then again all episode so far in season 2 are all have been my favorite. Pretty much Bill Cipher and Mabel do make this episode work though all the side characters are still good playing the role you expect to see them in the show. He is both very comical but at the same time is still very threatening and at the same time very charming and manipulative. And it’s really great to see Bill cipher again in this episode and just like in the episode “Dreamscaperer’s” he is really awesome in the way he does every time I see him on screen.

gravity falls full episodes season 2 episode 11 gravity falls full episodes season 2 episode 11

It also makes it good when the villain of this episode use it to his advantage. This is kinda interesting since even though Mabel does have good intentions for the things Dipper had to give up for her, there hasn’t been any actual episode prior to this one that show Mabel will do the same for him and I think it’s nice that this episode touch upon. It also interesting how this episode points out that Dipper is mostly the one who sacrifice a lot of his hard work just for Mabel to get what she wanted in previous episodes. This is a strong episode as it has a lot of drama and a lot of jokes you kinda expect from this show.


So I’ll start with “Sock Opera” and even though this kinda is a Mable centered episode most of the time we spend it with Dipper as he try to figure out the password for the author’s laptop while Mabel is busy trying to get the attention of her new crush by throwing him a Rock Opera Theme Sock Puppet Show. And it’s best to tackle on 2 episodes just to get it over with and both of them are Mable centered episode. So before the new episode starts I guess it’s best to tackle on some episodes that I haven’t talk about yet that I guess I do need to talk about.

Gravity falls full episodes season 2 episode 11